Below you will find the festival riders for the different stages of Roadburn Festival (excl. Paradox and Little Devil). More documents will be added later on.


To ensure the fair use of available spectrum and to minimise the interference between acts Roadburn Festival will coordinate the use, and if necessary, manage the licensing of RF equipment:

This includes, but will not be limited to, all wireless microphones, In-Ears, instrument packs, intercom, IFB, walkie-talkies, two-way radios etc.

To check if your equipment needs to be licensed and can operate without interference during your show, send us an overview of all wireless equipment you will be carrying.

  • Number of channels needed per brand, model, frequency range and or pre-programmed frequencies;
  • And the name, e-mail address and mobile phone number of your RF contact.

Based on your information we will send you a set of frequencies, the day before the show.

To make life easier for all, set your transmitter frequencies in advance to your production manager who will advance the show with you. Keep your transmitters switched off until change-over / linecheck and switch off again as soon as your set is finished.

Thanks in advance.

Form – Frequency Coordination



Width: 9 m (down stage) / 5,5 m (up stage)
Depth: 8 m (playing surface front edge to back curtain)
Height: 1,2m
Clearance: 4,5 m