Naðra return to reap more souls at Roadburn 2017

In 2016, we introduced our faithful Roadburners to the obscure might of the Icelandic black metal underground. By having Misþyrming as our artist in residence, we were able to feature a series of other bands connected to them on our bill, and all of them made abundantly clear with their devastating performances why we are so impressed with this particular scene.

Naðra, which features four Misþyrming members plus the unhinged demon that is vocalist Ö, gave us one of the most enduring experiences of them all when they damn nearly brought down the Extase venue.

Sometimes, however, once is not enough. When, a couple of months after Roadburn 2016, we witnessed Naðra laying waste to a petrified audience during the amazing Eistnaflug festival in Neskaupstaður, Iceland, that tiny voice in our head that kept nagging us turned into a roar: Naðra need more attention from us, from you, from everyone. This black magic is too powerful to be confined to small spaces. After that staggering show in Iceland, the decision was pretty much already made in our minds – Naðra needed to return to Roadburn.

Therefore, in 2017, we are breaking them free, free from the confines of a smaller venue, or of an artist in residence programme. Like opening a Pandora’s box, all those tortured, twisting hymns of sickness that made Allir Vegir Til Glötunar one of the most harrowing records of 2016 will now resonate inside the Het Patronaat as if they were hissing, soul-consuming demons flying free and zoning in on you, beloved Roadburners. This time there will be many more than 300 souls to consume… but their appetite is voracious and never satisfied.

Naðra will open their pit of darkness for you to fall into at the Het Patronaat, on Friday, April 21.

Roadburn Festival 2017 will take place April 20-23 at the 013 venue, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Tickets are now on sale!

José Carlos Santos

Date: April 21

Time: 21:30

Stage: Het Patronaat