Many pilgrims here at Roadburn have witnessed the stages of Patrick Walker’s artistic skin shedding: from his doom metal days with Warning to the dirgeful melancholy and majesty of current longtime recording project 40 Watt Sun, with whom he released the latest LP Little Weight just last year.

Walker’s voice is an entity that’s pretty damn hard to express in feeble words: resonant enough to brand your soul for life, yet tender enough to be considered a serenade of sorts. His slower-paced method in writing songs is remarkably urgent: a potent means for him to lean fully into the moment, the conviction behind what he’s singing about, and the next note about to be played.

The result is music you don’t just listen to, but something that folds you completely into its obsidian firmanents.

– Jasper Willems

Date: April 18

Time: TBA

Stage: Paradox