Guitarist Vitja Pauwels is one of Belgium’s most vital and incessantly curious musicians. Early Life Forms is just one of Pauwels’ many endeavors, but surely one of his most defining. Pauwels and his cohorts conjure a miscellany of influences in their larvae state to create something utterly cutting edge and free form: a purgatory where latin-jazz, experimental rock and sweeping cinematic melodies magically blend.

Vitja is a compulsive risk taker who pulls out all the stops: he can be a showstopper who releases some of most unheard-of sounds from a guitar, but also return to the background as a guiding force for his fellow players. Besides, when you get the legendary Marc Ribot giddy to play alongside you, you must be doing something right.

– Jasper Willems

Date: April 19

Time: 19:00 - 20:00

Stage: Paradox