For all the jokes and memes about Thou secret shows, we couldn’t let the opportunity of multiple Thou shows pass us by. Only this time we’re not sneaking around in the shadows, plotting and planning – we’re just getting out in front of it and having them open the whole dang festival. Thou will headline The Spark – the festival pre-party on Wednesday night. 

Never ones to knowingly miss out on the opportunity to have more Thou in our lives, this seemed like a fitting way to kick things off. With no stealthy announcements to watch out for, no hastily reorganised scheduling, you can ease yourself gently into the Roadburn experience – soundtracked by their trademark acerbic sludge and feral punk attitude. Just as we like it. As Thou help us cut the ribbon on a brand new edition of Roadburn, join us to kick off the celebrations at The Spark. 

–  Becky Laverty

Date: April 16

Time: TBA

Stage: Next Stage