Buffalo Nichols is an American singer-songwriter who has his heart set on bringing the blues of the past into the future. Since his early forays into music in the underground metal scene, Carl ‘Buffalo’ Nichols has understood the impact of heaviness within music – and that it can be found in all kinds of unexpected places. His adventurous creativity coupled with his digging through the earth around his roots mean that he’s going to be right at home with us – so it is with much pleasure that we’re announcing his Roadburn debut. 

His 2023 album, The Fatalist, has been in heavy rotation here at Roadburn HQ – thanks to a tip passed on from none other than Primitive Man’s Ethan Lee McCarthy. The blues has always rooted in not only expressing emotions and processing oppressive circumstances but also to document the hardships faced by black Americans. Blues music provides a map for multiple generations to navigate their shared history; Buffalo Nichols is adding some new embellishments to that map.

Carl told us: “This will be my first time playing Roadburn and I am excited for the opportunity to share the blues with a new audience and display the heavier side of my music”.

Having spent so much time listening to The Fatalist over the last year, we can’t wait to witness the music of Buffalo Nichols come to life at Roadburn. 

– Becky Laverty

Date: April 18

Time: TBA

Stage: TBA