Last time CHELSEA WOLFE set foot in Europe to perform, it was a brief and ill-fated visit. As she arrived in this part of the world, everything started to shut down around her, venues were shuttered, people were urged to stay home. A dark cloud descended; not one note was played, not one show took place. She went home again, and like us all, had no choice but to wait it out. Years have passed, the seasons have ebbed and flowed, the world has shifted a little and today brings news of her return – a good news day indeed. Alongside the announcement of a new Chelsea Wolfe album, we’re thrilled to reveal plans for her return to mainland Europe  – at Roadburn 2024.

Just two shows will take place in Europe this coming April, a headline show in London and a return to the Roadburn stage, where we’ll be ready to welcome Chelsea and her band with open arms.  In the twelve years since her first Roadburn appearance, this already remarkable artist has blossomed into an unstoppable force. As a songwriter and consummate creative entity incorporating evocative songwriting and unparalleled artistic vision, Chelsea Wolfe wraps the entire package in an ethereal, shimmering bow. Her forthcoming album, She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, features the dusky darkness we’ve become accustomed to, but this time there’s a renewed vigor, an arresting element of clarity.

Chelsea comments:

“Roadburn has always been a beautiful mecca for heavy and experimental music, and playing there 12 years ago felt like such a warm embrace of support as I was just getting started in my career. I look forward to returning with new music, new energy, and experiencing the magic of Roadburn once again.”

Absence has truly made our hearts grow fonder; it is with much anticipation that we prepare to host Chelsea Wolfe’s return to Europe. Having been afforded an early listen of her new album, we can assure you that something truly exquisite is heading our way. Bearing the hallmarks of the signature Chelsea Wolfe sound – velvet vocals weaving through undulating tenebrosity – She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She takes everything up a notch or three. Wolfe and her co-conspirators have made room for lightness in amongst the shadows, to devastatingly gorgeous effect.

It is with great excitement that we are readying ourselves to welcome Chelsea Wolfe back to Tilburg. Join us in preparing the ground, come spring new shoots will be pushing through and the promise of wonderful future fruits looms large.

– Becky Laverty

Date: April 18

Time: 21:15 - 22:30

Stage: Main Stage