Lingua Ignota be an essential part of Roadburn 2019
Boldly straddling the classical music world and the often hellish soundscapes of harsh noise, Lingua Ignota plucks what she wants from both – and elsewhere – to form a towering inferno of raging fury, manifesting as sonic indignation. ‘Uncompromising’ doesn’t do justice to the piercing stare communicated via her latest album, All Bitches Die.
Something akin to a righteous manifesto, Lingua Ignota AKA Kristin Hayter is hellbent on reclaiming power, previously stolen. She holds up a shattered mirror to human experience, to the realities of abuse, to female martyrdom. Littered with jarring juxtapositions and destabilising transitions, to play a Lingua Ignota album is far from easy listening.
Which is exactly why we knew she would form an essential part of Roadburn 2019. The challenge of a visceral and abrasive show is one that we relish. If you’re looking for a fist-pumping fun time, perhaps this one’s not for you. But if you’re looking for an experience, something that that burrows into your consciousness and niggles at you for months to come, sign up now. Lingua Ignota will deliver a masterclass.
Becky Laverty / November 2018