SUNROT’s 2023 album, The Unfailing Rope, has been in heavy rotation here at Roadburn HQ where we’re all long time fans of the band. Watching them go from strength to strength has been a joy, and inviting them to Roadburn is our honour. We’re pleased to say that the New Jersey-based ensemble is making their first trip overseas and will be kicking things off at Roadburn.
The devastating mash up of sludge and noise is a fitting soundtrack to the disorienting swing between psychosis, catharsis and salvation expressed within the lyrics. Alongside their distinctive sonic heft, their dogged persistence in the face of setbacks, plus their charming enthusiasm for galvanising a community around them has endeared them to fans around the globe – and now they’ll get to meet more of them face to face.
They say: “It’s been one of our dreams to get to come over and play Roadburn since the inception of Sunrot. We are huge fans of the eclectic and masterfully curated lineups of Roadburns past and are stoked to bring our filthy New Jersey sludge to their stage.”
Please join us in extending a warm Roadburn welcome to Sunrot.
– Becky Laverty