Visual art at Roadburn 2017: Fursy Teyssier
Over the years, visual creativity and art has always been a defining element of Roadburn – ranging from our official poster art to individual band poster collections and from exhibitions of concert photography to the comic book world – and 2017 is no different as this year the 013 venue will host several exhibitions of selected works from some of the most promising artists on the scene today – namely Fursy Teyssier, Marald van Haasteren, Roland Scriver and the GNOD-bods.
In between the fantastic performances be sure to check out their eye-catching artwork on display at the 013 venue, and see for yourself why it’s so inspirational to us. Outstanding art such as theirs is the very life blood of Roadburn – alongside the music, of course!
Hailing from France, Fursy Teyssier is a visual artist and composer who has refined his talents over the years to entwine a strong artistic identity with mesmerizing aural creations. Teyssier’s band, Les Discrets, is the culmination of all his artistic endeavours, whether it’s his take on shoegaze, post-rock and, of course, black metal, or his work as an illustrator, painter, or animated film director. The band conveys his art, and in turn Teyssier’s artwork captures Les Discrets’ dream-like approach.
With his strong interest in expressive charcoal drawings and Art Nouveau, and his penchant for mysticism and romanticism in the past as well, Teyssier’s imagery is always evolving and challenging, showcasing a disciplined and rich aesthetic. Through his distinctive personal work, or his co-works with Neige (i.e the enchanting cover art for Alcest’s Écailles De Lune or Les Voyages De L’Âme), and Valnoir Metastazis, Teyssier‘s art is constantly brimming with craftmanship, imagination and finesse.
For Roadburn 2017, Fursy will come up with a complete new set of drawings, and for those craving an original Teyssier, the originals will be on sale on Sunday, April 23 in conjunction with his Les Discrets performance.
“I’m delighted and very honored to be part of the artists Roadburn invited for a personal art exhibition”, says Teysseir. “Since the beginning, my music and artwork have always been very connected and this year at Roadburn both will be reunited so I couldn’t be more thankful to the curators of the festival for this invitation. I plan to draw eight drawings especially for this event!”