Essential Sounds: 17.09.21

September 17, 2021

Enjoy this week’s lengthy playlist as times seem to be changing… and more and more seems possible.

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

PlaceboBeautiful James (SO Recordings)

The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To DieQueen Sophie for President (Epitaph)

Lindy-Fay Hella, Dei FarneHildring (By Norse Music)

Marissa Nadler, Mary LattimoreIf I Could Breathe Underwater (Bella Union) (Header image)

TraitrsOh, Ballerina (Freakwave)

PlohoAughts (Artoffact Records)

Spiritczualic Enhancement CenterMy Silence Is Spanish (Kryptox)

Love-Songs, U.SchütteDumpfes, hämmerndes Dröhnen (Bureau B)

Alice HubbleGleichfalls (Happy Robot Records)

Golden Bug, Vega VogaTokoyo No Kuni (La Belle records)

Sababa 5Baksheesh (Baktov Records)

Axis: Sova(Don’t Wanna Have That) Dream (Drag City)

The Limiñanas, Laurent GarnierJuliette dans la caravane (Berreto Music)

Arushi JainMy People Have Deep Roots (Leaving Records)

Richard Dawson, CircleLily (Domino Recording)

GNODPink Champagne Blues (Rocket Recordings)

The Bug, Manga Saint HilareBang (Ninja Tune)

Noise UnitK7 (Artoffact Records)

Vile CreaturePaperdool (The Flenser)

BalmogSlander (War Anthem Records)

NornaThe Truther (Vinter Records)

Essential Sounds: 10.09.21

September 10, 2021

This week’s playlist kicks off with the return of Emma Ruth Rundle – a new album is due from her before the end of the year, and we couldn’t be more thrilled here at Roadburn HQ. As such a bold and talented artist, it seemed fitting that her new single would commence this week’s crop of new music.

Emma Ruth RundleReturn (Sargent House)

The Body x Big ‡ BraveBlackest Crow (Thrill Jockey)

Greet DeathI Hate Everything (Deathwish Inc.)

Kayo DotGet Out of the Tower (Prophecy Productions)

LLNN x Cryptopsy x Matt McGachyDesecrator (Pelagic Records)

MehenetDona Sete (Gilead Media)

Der Weg einer FreiheitMorgen (Season of Mist)

Maggot HeartZero Hour Day (Rapid Eyee Records)

Cruel WondersMy Anguish (Self-Release)

Shy, LowThe Beacon (Pelagic Records)

Sugar HorsePhill Spector in Hell (Small Pond Records)

Jute GytePentalpha (Adam Kalmbach)

Essential Sounds: 03.09.21

September 3, 2021

Today is a Bandcamp Friday, which means that more of the money you spend on music on the platform goes to into the pockets of the bands and labels that you love.

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

ZetraPull Me Under (Children of the Vortex)

Perturbator x HealthExcess (Blood Music)

DeathsomniaVoid Oblivion (Isolation Rec.)

Zeal & ArdorBow (Redacted GmbH)

Full of HellReeking Tunnels (Relapse Records)

Portrayal of GuiltPossession (Run For Cover Records)

MØLSerf (Nuclear Blast)

FluisteraarsHet overvleugelen der meute (Eisenwald)

WormwitchCanadian Denim Mountain Attack (Prosthethic Records)

Green LungGraveyard Sun (Svart Records)

Spirit AdriftInvisible Enemey (Century Media)

Hour of 13Within the Pentagram (Self-Release)

Iron MaidenDeath Of The Celts (Parlophone)

EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: The Lovecraft Sextet: De Mysteriis [Musicorum]

September 2, 2021

The Lovecraft Sextet marks the long-awaited return of all round multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer Jason Köhnen into the realms of Darkjazz. The forthcoming debut album, ‘In Memoriam’ (out on Denovali Records on September 24), sees Köhnen further explore his unbridled love for cinematic jazz-oriented compositions.

Inspired by death, release and rebirth, ‘In Memoriam’ also incorporates funereal aspects of classical, operatic and Gregorian music, adding tonal depth to his previous work with The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation.

Today, we’re thrilled to premiere “De Mysteriis [Musicorum], the second single of ‘In Memoriam’, which, like the whole record, also ties in with his first narrative short story that will be part of the album release.

Essential Sounds: 27.08.21

August 27, 2021

We’re opening this week’s playlist with the Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” and Trouble’s “Pray For The Dead” in tribute to Charlie Watts and Eric Wagner, and all those who we have lost during these unprecedented times. Let’s stick together, as we all need something to hold onto.

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

The Rolling StonesGimme Shelter (ABKCO Music)

TroublePray for the Dead (Hammerheart Records)

VoivodClouds In My House (Geffen Records)

NothingAmber Gambler (Relapse Records)

Platon KarataevPartért kiáltó (Self-Rlease)

The Holy RoadThe Minotuar (Outpost 13 Recordings)

A.A. WilliamsControl (Bella Union)

Marissa NadlerBessie Did You Make It (Bella Union)

LyssaBlood (Self-Release)

Lonnie GunnHammerhead (Fool Moon Party)

Body/Negative, Vinyl WilliamsSong To The Siren (Track Number Records)

Vanishing TwinPhase One Million (Fire Records)

UpupayãmaGreen Cabana (Alessio Ferrari)

LiilaAppa Wú Wéi (Not Not Fun)

Nero KaneAngelene’s Desert (Nasoni Records)

HorteKun joki haihtuu (Pelagic Records)

MonoInnocence (Pelagic Records)

DeafheavenMombasa (Sargent House)

Essential Sounds: 20.08.21

August 20, 2021

Let this week’s playlist be the soundtrack to your weekend – whether you’re venturing out, or staying home. As ever we hope you find something new, or are able to reconnect with an old favourite. If you like what you hear, please hit that “heart” button on Spotify – we update the playlist every Friday with new tunes.

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

DeafheavenShellstar (Sargent House)

Circuit des YeuxDogma (Matador Records)

Fly Pan AmParkour 2 (Constellation)

HoaxedCandle Master (Relapse Records)

Chat PileBrutal Truth (Self-Release)

Portrayal Of GuiltTouched by an Angel (Self-Release)

SuccumbAither (The Flenser)

Wolves In The Throne RoomThrough Enternal Fields (Century Media)

UlverBounty Hunter (House of Mythology)

Wreck and ReferenceChange (In The House of Flies) (The Flenser)

Alora CrucibleBottomless Madraguda (House of Mythology)

Massimo Pupillo, Gabriele Tinti, Márton CsókásThe Lyre of Blood Will Drive off All Evil (House of Mytholgy)

The Lovecraft SextetFunebre Macabre (Denovali Records)

Essential Sounds: 06.08.21

August 6, 2021

This week’s playlist is jam-packed with Roadburn alumni, as well as some up-and-comers who have caught our ear lately. The second half of 2021 is shaping up to be flush with exciting albums exploring heaviness in such a diverse array of ways. Bring it on!

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

Full of HellIndustrial Messiah Complex (Relapse Records)

EnslavedCaravans to the Outer Worlds (Nuclear Blast)

Wolves In The Throne RoomPrimal Chasm (Gift of Fire) (Century Media)

WormwitchHammer of the Underworld (Prosthetic Records)

King WomanCoil (Relapse Records)

MølPhotophobic (Nuclear Blast)

Kayo DotVoid in Virgo (Prophecy Productions)

SoenEMDR (Silver Lining Music)

Green LungReaper’s Scynthe (Svart Records)

Hail Spirit NoirThe Monsters (Agonia Records)

DeathsomniaAkinesia (Isolation Rec)

DeafheavenIn Blur (Sargent House)

Slow CrushHush (Church Road Records)

Michael Love Michael, Chelsea WolfeHave (MLM Loves You)

Lingua IgnotaMan Is Like A Spring Flower (Sargent House)

Essential Sounds: 30.07.21

July 30, 2021

Opening this week’s playlist with ZZ Top’s classic anthem “Tush” is a fitting tribute to the late Dusty Hill, and also a nod to all of the great, new music that’s out there, too!

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

ZZ TopTush (Warner Records)

Jerry CantrellAtone (Self-Release)

HealthylivingUntil (Self-Release)

King WomanCoil (Relapse Records)

ZetraCare (Children of the Vortex)

SculpturedDead Wall Reveries (The End Records)

These Hidden Hands, ZaniasShackles (Hidden Hundred)

Blak SaaganLa Firma del Legionairo Maple Death Records)

MightyhealthyPeppered Jab (Grimey Nobody Records)

Pleasure PlateauCortisol (Self-Release)

The Bug, FlowdanPressure (Ninja Tune)

Tropical Fuck StormNew Romeo Agent (Joyful Noise Recordings)

Angel OlsenSafety Dance (Somethingscosmic)

GrouperUnclean mind (Kranky)

Torment & GloryNo Big Crime (Sargent House)

UnderdarkQeres (Surviving Sounds)

SuccumbOkeanos (The Flenser)

UngravenOnwards She Rides to a Certain Death (Black Bow Records)

SlomaticsMonitors (Black Bow Records)

PapanguBacia das Almas (Self-Release)

Essential Sounds: 23.07.21

July 23, 2021

Let this week’s lengthy playlist start a summer holiday of sorts, or at least launch a trip into an imaginary festival without any restrictions, as the current state of affairs is still way too to difficult to navigate, and we really need a brief escape. Enjoy!

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

Cave InYouth Overrided (Sony Music)

IlludiumSoma Sema (Prophecy Productions)

MonoRiptide (Pelagic Records)

EskinaWe Were the Moon (Challenge Records)

HortePelko karistaa järjen (Pelagic Records)

MidwifeColorado (The Flenser)

LowDisappearing (Sub Pop)

Alexis MarshallDrink from the Oceans . Nothing Can… (Sargent House)

Desire Marea, GyreStudies in Black Trauma (Izimakade Records)

Moor Mother, lojiiShekere (Self-Release)

Dame AreaLa Doble Luna (Mannequin Records)

Alessandro CortiniLo Specchio (Mute Artists)

HooveriiiWe’re Both Lawyers (The Reverberation Appreciation Society)

Restive PlaggonaSwimming In The Rain (Fleisch Records)

Elektro HafızAli Rodrigez (Ironhand Records)

KutimanGuruji (Siyal Music)

The Holy FamilyChasm Second Part (Rocket Recordings)

DrottThe Marauders (By Norse Music)

GhorotCharioteer of Fire (Self-Release)

God’s BastardTo the Last Standing Village (I, Voidhanger Records)

Essential Sounds: 16.07.21

July 16, 2021

“Sometimes, on a Thursday night (or a Friday morning, or a Saturday afternoon), it turns out that a new track from Iron Maiden is just what’s needed to get your blood pumping. ‘Is the Roadburn Essential Sounds playlist the place for Iron Maiden?’, I pondered. As you’ll see – the conclusion was definitely yes.

“If the mighty Maiden aren’t your bag, there’s plenty more to tickle your fancy this Friday. Enjoy!”

Becky Laverty

If you want to seek out the tracks elsewhere, here’s the info you’ll need:

Iron MaidenThe Writing On The Wall (Parlophone Records)

Spirit AdriftForge Your Future (Century Media)

Fawn LimbsNoose Gestures (Roman Numeral Records)

Chat PileRoots Bloody Roots (The Flenser)

Four Stroke BaronFriday Knight (Prosthetic Records)

La FemmeParadigme (Disque Pointu)

Crippled Black PhoenixDead is Dead (Season of Mist)

King WomanBoghz (Relapse Records)

DeathsomniaKatabasis (Ft. Kyle Kimball) (Isolation Rec)

Howlin RainDharma Wheel (Silver Current)

Kurt VileRun Run Run (UMG recordings) (Header image)

MidwifeEnemy (The Flenser)

Lingua IgnotaPerpetual Flame Of Centralia (Sargent House)